Sentiment Analysis

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Sentiment analysis is your main tool to understand how people feel about your brand. In other word sentiment essentially relates to feelings; attitudes, emotions and opinions. A person’s opinion or feelings are for the most part subjective and not facts. The applications of sentiment analysis in business cannot be overlooked, and importantly, businesses can prove a major breakthrough for the complete brand revitalization. The key to running a successful business with the sentiment data is the ability to exploit the unstructured data for actionable insights.

At Sybest, we use powerful sentiment analysis deep learning to provide an accurate analysis of the overall sentiment of the given text. What follows now is how businesses can leverage the sentiment analysis data:

  • Sentiment Analysis in Business Intelligence Build up: With the sentiment data about your established and the new products, it’s easier to estimate your customer retention rate.
  • Sentiment Analysis in Business for Competitive Advantage: Sentiment analysis in businesses can be very helpful in predicting the customer trends. Once you get acquainted with the current customer trends, strategies can easily be developed to capitalize on them. And eventually, gain a leading edge in the competition
  • Enhancing the Customer Experience through Sentiment Analysis in Business: A business breathes on the gratification of its customers. This helps to know what is being properly implemented with regards to products, services and customer support and what needs improvement experience of the customers can either be positive, negative or neutral. Owing to the internet savvy era, this experience becomes the text of their social posting and online feedback.
  • Sentiment Analysis in Business for Brand: A brand is not defined by the product it manufactures or the services it provides. The name and fame that build a brand majorly depend on their online marketing, social campaigning, and content marketing and customer support services. Sentiment analysis in business helps in quantifying the perception of the present and the potential customers regarding all these factors.

In relation to sentiment analysis, provide insights into consumer behavior, what our customers want, what are customers like and dislike about our products, what their buying signals are, what their decision process looks like etc.


Sentiment essentially relates to feelings; attitudes, emotions and opinions applying Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis techniques to identify and extract subjective information from a piece of text.